Resources and Links
A science search engine | Links for students of English |
Levels of editing | SI units |
Journal titles and abbreviations | Links for earth scientists |
Links for bioscientists |
A science search engine
- Scirus: for scientific information only A search engine for science; searches content of journal articles published on line
Links for students of English
- English for International Students Unit: Kibbitzers This site from the University of Birmingham, UK, looks at specific issues in the writing of ESL students.
- Writing guidelines for engineering and science students A site on scientific writing, including exercises
- Five Reporting Verbs from Nature How the verbs "indicate," "show," "suggest,"find," and "demonstrate" are used by authors writing in the journal Nature
- English as a Second Language From Rong-Chong Li: Lots of links, but watch out, because they open in a frame.
- Travel on the wire Articles about English as a global language from the Associated Press
- Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors from NASA
- Merriam-Webster online Dictionary and thesaurus
- Ask Oxford Word and writing resource from Oxford University Press
- World English English as a global language
Levels of editing
- Definitions of Editorial Skills Levels of editing, explained by the Editor's Association of Canada
SI units
- SI units A comprehensive reference from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology
Journal titles and abbreviations
- Index Medicus From the US National Library of Medicine
- ISI journal title abbreviations
Links for earth scientists
- Isotope Geochemistry This site for a graduate-level course taught at Cornell University includes problem sets and solutions, links to other geochemistry sites, and very complete lecture notes on all aspects of isotope geochemistry.
- World reference base for soil resources FAO soil classification system
- Soil Taxonomy The US system, available in pdf format.
- An Online Guide to Sequence Stratigraphy A comprehensive resource from the University of Georgia Stratigraphy Lab
- Commentary: Usage of stratigraphic terminology in papers, illustrations, and talks An excellent paper on stratagraphic nomenclature by Donald E. Owen, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas
- radiocarbon WEB-info All about radiocarbon dating, including information about reporting C-14 dates in publications.
Links for bioscientists
- Protein Information Resource
- US National Center forBiotechnology Information (NCBI) PubMed, Blast, GenBank, Entrez, and much more
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL maintains numerous databases and provides computational services
- DNA Data Bank of Japan DDBJ database and analysis tools
- List of Bacterial Names with Standing in Nomenclature From the Society for Systematic and Veterinary Bacteriology
- ExPASy Molecular Biology Server Proteomics server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics